Winter Arts and Craft Expo 2024

Winter Expo 2024

Join us for another Winter Arts and Craft Expo

Applications are now open | Apply Here

The Evanston Art Center’s Annual Winter Arts + Crafts Expo features original, handmade arts and crafts by over 140 selected artisans. We feature original, handmade works of jewelry, ceramics, fiber, metal, glass, painting, photography, mixed media, and more. This month-long event attracts visitors all over the Midwest region.

Important Dates

Application Deadline: October 7
General Shopping: Nov 23- Dec 20, 9 am-6 pm, Mondays – Thursdays; 9 am -5 pm, Fridays; 9 am - 4 pm Saturdays - Sundays (closed Thanksgiving)
Inventory Drop-off: Nov. 14, 15, and 16.
Inventory Pick-up: Dec 21, 22, and 23.

Jewelry, ceramics, wood, glass, metal, fiber, leather, wearable textile accessories, mixed media, small 3-D sculpture, and small 2-D works including printmaking, photography, and painting (must be ready to hang). Beautifully crafted ornaments or menorahs are deemed acceptable as long as the artistic quality is very high.


Not To Be Included:

Commercially oriented or mass-produced holiday items. Please note: All work must be original and made by the artist within the last few years. Commercial items will not be accepted. The Expo Committee reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work not consistent with these guidelines.

Size/Weight Restrictions

3-D work: May not exceed 50 lbs and 24" in height. If work requires a base, it must be provided by the artist. Tabletop work is preferred due to limited floor space. Anything larger must receive special permission to be included in the show. 2-D work: May not exceed 24" in any dimension, unless given special permission. Must be framed or equivalent and ready to hang. There may be some space for smaller works to be shown in bins.

Visual Display

The Evanston Art Center has open gallery space available for this event. The Expo is a group show, and as such, there are no booth spaces. Each artist's inventory will be identified and displayed on an approximately 20x30 inches tabletop space or the equivalent area on the wall or floor. Extra inventory for each artist will be stored and then displayed as the merchandise is sold. The Expo staff will make all decisions regarding placement and display. Since this is not a booth show, artists will not be required to be present to conduct sales.  The Expo relies on volunteers to run the show. We have found that the artists who are present during the show contribute greatly to the professional atmosphere of the galleries and increase the sales of their own work by being able to talk to customers about their craft and process. We encourage each participating artist (who lives in the area) to volunteer three, 3-hour shifts during the show.

Sales and Taxes

All sales will be made through a central cashier at the Evanston Art Center: cash, check, or charge. Illinois sales tax will be added to every transaction. The commission to the Art Center is 40%. The retail price labeled on each item will include the commission. At the end of the Expo, the items sold will be noted on your inventory sheets, the commission deducted, unsold inventory returned and checks mailed in mid - January. Artists are required to supply the Art Center with a signed W-9 so that 10-99s may be sent.  All sales are final; the EAC will not refund money under any circumstances.